A Leader in the Development of Reagents for Wnt Research

With more than 25 years of experience expressing and purifying proteins, R&D Systems is committed to producing the highest quality reagents for your Wnt research. These include an unparalleled selection of high quality recombinant Wnt and Wnt-related proteins.


Comparing the Activity & Purity of R&D Systems Wnt Proteins to the Competition

R&D Systems is dedicated to providing the highest quality of proteins on the market. Every protein that we offer is tested for a specific biological activity based on how it has been described in the scientific literature. Additionally, each new protein lot is tested for purity, stability, low endotoxin levels, and lot-to-lot consistency.

R&D Systems Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a has Higher Activity than Mouse Wnt-3a From Other Companies
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R&D Systems Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a has Higher Activity than Mouse Wnt-3a From Other Companies. A. The MC3T3-E1 mouse preosteoblast cell line was treated with increasing concentrations of R&D Systems Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a (Catalog # 1324-WN) or with mouse Wnt-3a from two other companies. Bioactivity of the recombinant proteins was assessed by measuring alkaline phosphatase production. B. R&D Systems Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a and recombinant mouse Wnt-3a from two other companies were tested for their ability to stimulate activation of the TOPflash beta-Catenin/TCF reporter in the HEK293T human kidney cell line. In both assays, the R&D Systems protein shows greater than a four-fold increase in activity compared to the other commercially available proteins.


R&D Systems is the Most Referenced Wnt Protein Manufacturer
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R&D Systems Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a is Purer than Mouse Wnt-3a From Other Companies. R&D Systems Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a (Catalog # 1324-WN; lane 1, 1 μg/lane) and recombinant mouse Wnt-3a from two other companies  (lanes 2 & 3, 1 μg/lane) were loaded on a 12% SDS-PAGE gel under reducing conditions and visualized by silver staining.


R&D Systems Offers More Recombinant Wnt & Wnt-related Proteins

R&D Systems currently provides one of the largest selections of recombinant proteins for Wnt research than any other protein manufacturer.

R&D  Systems Offers the First Commercially Available Recombinant Mouse sFRP-5.
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R&D Systems Offers the First Commercially Available Recombinant Mouse sFRP-5. Recombinant Mouse sFRP-5 (Catalog # 7195-SF) was tested for inhibition of the activation of beta-Catenin in a TOPflash Luciferase Assay. In the presence of 50 ng/mL Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a (Catalog # 1324-WN), increasing concentrations of sFRP-5 inhibited activation of the TOPflash beta-Catenin/TCF reporter in the HEK293T human kidney cell line.

R&D  Systems Offers the First Commercially Available Recombinant Human Wnt-10b.
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R&D Systems Offers the First Commercially Available Recombinant Human Wnt-10b. Recombinant Human Wnt-10b (Catalog # 7196-WN) was tested for activation of cell proliferation. The IEC-18 rat small intestinal epithelial cell line was grown in the presence of increasing concentrations of Wnt-10b. Cell proliferation was assessed in a fluorometric assay using the redox sensitive dye Resazurin (Catalog # AR002).


Additional Newly Released Wnt Ligands & Modulators

  • Recombinant Human Wnt-3a (High Purity)
    Catalog # 5036-WNP
  • Recombinant Human Wnt-4
    Catalog # 6076-WN
  • Recombinant Human/Mouse Wnt-5a
    Catalog # 645-WN
  • Recombinant Human Wnt-5b
    Catalog # 7347-WN
  • Recombinant Mouse Wnt-10b
    Catalog # 2110-WN
  • Recombinant Human Wnt-11
    Catalog # 6179-WN
  • Recombinant Mouse sFRP-2
    Catalog # 1169-FR
  • Recombinant Human sFRP-5
    Catalog # 6266-SF
  • Recombinant Mouse R-Spondin 1
    Catalog # 7150-RS
  • Recombinant Mouse R-Spondin 2
    Catalog # 6946-RS
  • Recombinant Mouse R-Spondin 3
    Catalog # 4120-RS
  • Recombinant Mouse R-Spondin 4
    Catalog # 4106-RS
  • Recombinant Human R-Spondin 4
    Catalog # 4575-RS
  • Recombinant Mouse LRP-5
    Catalog # 7344-LR


R&D Systems is the Most Referenced Wnt Protein Manufacturer

Based on citations in the scientific literature, Wnt researchers choose our Wnt proteins more than any other Wnt protein manufacturer. This unbiased measure of quality makes R&D Systems a logical choice for products you can trust.

R&D Systems is the Most Referenced Wnt Protein Manufacturer
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A Literature Survey Reveals Wnt Researchers Choose R&D Systems Wnt Proteins More Than Any Other Wnt Protein Manufacturer. Research articles published from 2011 to present that cite the use of recombinant Wnt proteins were analyzed to determine the primary sources of the reagents. Of the 110 research articles that were identified, 88.2% utilized Wnt proteins manufactured by R&D Systems. Four other companies accounted for the additional 11.8% of articles identified in the survey.

R&D Systems Antibodies and Kits for Wnt Research

In addition to the large selection of active Wnt-related proteins, we offer antibodies for a variety of applications including blocking/neutralization, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and Western blot, as well as a range of assays and pharmacological inhibitors.

Neutralization of R-Spondin 1-induced beta-Catenin Activation in a TOPflash Luciferase Assay
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Neutralization of R-Spondin 1-induced beta-Catenin Activation in a TOPflash Luciferase Assay. In the presence of 5 ng/mL Recombinant Mouse Wnt-3a (Catalog # 1324-WN), Recombinant Human R-Spondin 1 (Catalog # 4645-RS) stimulates activation of the TOPflash beta-Catenin/TCF reporter in the HEK293T human kidney cell line (blue line). The effect induced by 100 ng/mL Recombinant Human R-Spondin 1 was neutralized in a dose-dependent manner using a Sheep Anti-Human R-Spondin 1 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF4645; orange line).


Detection of Frizzled-1 in Mouse Intestine
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Detection of Frizzled-1 in Mouse Intestine. Frizzled-1 was detected in a cryostat tissue section of embryonic mouse intestine (E13) using a Goat Anti-Mouse Frizzled-1 Antigen Affinity-purified Polyclonal Antibody (Catalog # AF1120). The tissue was stained using the Anti-Goat HRP-DAB Cell and Tissue Staining Kit (Catalog # CTS008; brown) and counterstained with hematoxylin (blue).


Detection of Intracellular beta-Catenin using the DuoSet<sup>®</sup> IC ELISA Development System
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Detection of Intracellular beta-Catenin using the DuoSet® IC ELISA Development System. The levels of beta-Catenin in lysates prepared from the MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma, HeLa human cervical epithelial carcinoma, A431 human epithelial carcinoma, SK-MEL-28 human malignant melanoma, and DLD-2C2 human colorectal adrenocarcinoma cell lines were assessed using the Human Total beta-Catenin DuoSet IC ELISA (Catalog # DYC1329; bar graph). The results of the DuoSet IC ELISA are consistent with the relative levels of beta-Catenin detected by Western blot analysis (inset).